Tuesday 24 July 2018

Game of Thrones 4x06 'The Laws of Gods and Men' TV TALK

This has to be my favourite episode of the series so far- it was epic! The main chunk if the episode was centred around a trial in Kings Landing (which was hecka intense and emotional) and it was very focused on Tyrion which is one of my favourite characters. It had an iconic speech from Tyrion that Peter Dinklage nailed!! It was awesome.

Season 1:  1x01  |  1x02  |  1x03  |  1x04  |  1x05  |  1x06  |  1x07  |  1x08  |  1x09  |  1x10
Season 2:  2x01  |  2x02  |  2x03  |  2x04  |  2x05  |  2x06  |  2x07  |  2x08  |  2x09  |  2x10
Season 3:  3x01  |  3x02  |  3x03  |  3x04  |  3x05  |  3x06  |  3x07  |  3x08  |  3x09  |  3x10
Season 4:  4x01  |  4x02  |  4x03  |  4x04  |  4x05

Let's save the trial for last as it was easily the best and most exciting part of the episode.
But first, Theon! Or.... Reek, I suppose. Now, I don't like the guy but I feel so sorry for what's he's been reduced to.

Yara comes in for the rescue attempt and Reek thinks it's a trick that Ramsay's playing on him! Man. Has Ramsay screwed this guy up. Yara and the Iron Islands flee when they realise that Theon has actually gone crazy-pants and, for Reek's loyalty, Ramsay gives him the reward of a bath. Such a generous psychopath we've got on our hands, here.
We saw a small glimpse of Stannis where he and Davos are trying to get some money from the Iron Bank in Braavos. Davos desperately tries to convince them after a hefty refusal.
And we also saw a tiny clip of Daenerys. A son of one of the dead masters in Meereen, Hizdahr Zo Loraq (seriously? I'm gonna all him Loraq for short) comes to Khaleesi to ask if he can bury his father in a temple and she agrees. I think Daenerys' starting to realise that she going to have to make a lot of compromises as Khaleesi.
And then the trial!!! These scenes were so well done and Tyrion nailed it!
Tywin leads in Tommen's stead and the crown calls forth all their witnesses; Meryn Trant, Pycelle and Cersei. They put forth quotes and threats that Tyrion has previously made but.... a little out of context. Though, I have to say, Tyrion did look easily guilty when you put together everything he said to Joffrey- it was funny at the time but in this trial, it didn't help him at all.
Jaime manages to make a bargain with Tywin to give Tyrion mercy and send him to the Night's Watch and, in return, Jaime will go to Casterly Rock and continue the Lannister bloodline. Tywin instantly agrees and it even looks like we might get out of this trial okay....
And then, my heart fell out of my chest because Shae walked in!
Now this is a very morally grey area. I don't like what Shae did at all but I do understand why she did it. The Lannisters surely threatened to kill her if she didn't serve as a witness which justifies why she did it but... it went all too far. I get that she's hurt but she didn't need to stoop as low as she did.
But watching Tyrion through it was heart-breaking. Shae's words are what truly makes him snap.
Tyrion's speech was awesome! It was beautiful and you could tell that every word was pure honesty that he'd kept in his entire life. I was cheering him the heck on! The emotion in his performance was spectacular to watch.
When he said that he'd been on trial for being a dwarf his entire life? And how he wished he'd killed Joffrey? How he wished he was the monster they all thought he was?
Absolute perfection!
And we finish off with him demanding a trial by combat.... which I'm surprised didn't happen sooner. Tyrion for the win!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts. Stay amazing!

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