This show is extremely popular and it deserves all the hype it gets because it's genius, the characters are great and the plot is one giant surprise.
Season 1: 1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 | 1x04 | 1x05 | 1x06 | 1x07 | 1x08 | 1x09 | 1x10
Season 2: 2x01 | 2x02 | 2x03 | 2x04 | 2x05 | 2x06 | 2x07 | 2x08 | 2x09 | 2x10
Season 3: 3x01 | 3x02 | 3x03 | 3x04 | 3x05 | 3x06 | 3x07 | 3x08 | 3x09 | 3x10
Jon Snow has a hearing in this episode and he tells the commanders of the Night Watch about the wildling plans and they let him off with no punishment despite the crimes against the Night's Watch he'd committed.
Ygritte and the rest of the wildlings are still out and prepared to attack Castle Black and they bumped into the Thenns who are joining them for the time being.
Meanwhile, in King's Landing, guests are starting to arrive for the royal wedding. We meet Prince Oberyn of Dorne and his wife. He has a hatred for the Lannisters because he believes that they ordered the Mountain to kill his sister and... he's holding a bit of a grudge. Fun times to come, I'm sure.
We had a tiny scene with Sansa in where she was accepting a necklace from Ser Dontos to honour his family. I don't know when this happened but I love Sansa now! Sure, she's not as bad-ass and strong as I want her to be yet but she's not as pathetic and I sympathise so much with what she's been through. And, still, she's such a naive and kind sweetheart and I find it endearing more than annoying now.
We had a little Tyrion as well- an argument with Shae which tears my heart. He didn't say no when she asked if she should leave and I can just feel a bad end to this relationship at some point. Tyrion just wants to keep her safe- why can't she understand that?!
We had quite a lot of Jaime which was great! He receives a golden hand through Qybern but has a little spat with father dearest. Tywin wants him to leave the Kingsguard and to rule over Casterly Rock but Jaime refuses, prompting Tywin to disown him. If Tywin isn't careful, all of his disowned kids are going to start an uprising against him.
Jaime has a quick talk with Brienne where she reminds him of his vow to return Sansa and Arya back to Catelyn but... even I can see where he might have a struggle with that request.
Jaime goes on to try and make a move on Cersei who severely rejects him. It's so awkward! I thought Jaime would be over making a pass at his sister and I love Cersei's reasoning behind it. He took too long to get back to her? He was captured! What the hell does she think he was doing? It's weird, though, because I've been growing to love Jaime away from Kings landing and now I'm scared he'll go back to the old him now that he's returned.
And finally, he has a conversation with Joffrey where Joffrey essentially took the mick out of him. And that's awkward enough without putting in the fact that Joffrey is Jaime's son and doesn't know it! It made their interaction so cringey but hilarious to watch!
Over to Arya, the Hound is taking her to the Eyrie to try and sell her to Lady Arryn. On the way, they go into a tavern because Arya's sure that one of the men is Polliver- a man that took her to Harrenhal and stole her sword. They go into the tavern, kick some ass, and Arya gets Needle back as well as her revenge- slicing Polliver nicely through the throat.
And, finally, we have Khaleesi!
Daario is sweet-talking her and they're now headed towards Meereen. At each mile marker, there is a dead child and Daenerys does the kind thing of burying each one as they pass. Meereen sounds like it should be a blast!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts. Stay amazing!
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