I'm really excited to see the consequences of everything that happened in this episode and how we're going to go on from here.
Warning: Harsh images used
Season 1: 1x01 | 1x02 | 1x03 | 1x04 | 1x05 | 1x06 | 1x07 | 1x08 | 1x09 | 1x10
Season 2: 2x01 | 2x02 | 2x03 | 2x04 | 2x05 | 2x06 | 2x07 | 2x08 | 2x09 | 2x10
Season 3: 3x01 | 3x02 | 3x03 | 3x04 | 3x05
Starting with King's Landing, things are really heating up.
Olenna agrees to the match of Loras and Cersei which..... I feel so bad for Loras! Who the heck would want to be stuck with Cersei for the rest of their lives?
Tyrion reveals to Sansa that they're to be married and... the scene cut just before he told them and we didn't get to see Shae's initial reaction!! I didn't want to see it.... but I totally did at the same time! I feel cheated.
Baelish has officially gone in this episode- off to the Eyrie and he left with such a loud message! We get a whole monologue (the best dialogue ever!) to Varys about how 'chaos is a ladder' and it ends with such a horrific but visually stunning shot of Ros- dead by the hands of Joffrey because Baelish found out that she'd been spying on him for Varys. I know it's a monstrous death and everything... but it's a beautifully devastating shot....
And now I feel shattered for Sansa. She ended this episode crying as she watched Baelish's ship leave because now her one chance at escaping is gone and she's stuck in King's Landing- set to marry a Lannister. Poor girl should've gone when she could.
Over to less brutal affairs, Jojen has a vision of Jon Snow on the wrong side of the wall while Osha and Meera have a little dispute. But, at least their all safe- or as safe as any character is in this show. I've found that I get quite bored with Bran's storyline- there's just so many others I'd rather follow.
And, oddly, I love watching Theon at the moment! And it's not because I've suddenly had a change of heart and like the guy now.... it's because he's getting tortured. We still don't know who this guy is but he's doing a swell job at torturing Theon- it's great to watch (I promise I'm not a psychopath).
Jumping to Jaime- he's finally going to be taken back to King's Landing! But, the only downside is that Brienne has to stay. But Jaime can't complain too much because he's on a tight rope as it is- he mustn't bite the hand that feeds him.
Robb has his own plans in progress in this episode and... they're borderline plausible. I have to admit, I was surprised that he achieved an alliance with Walder Frey after betraying him. But poor Edmure has to take one for the team now as he has to marry one of Frey's daughters.

And, finally, we had Jon Snow braving the climb (cue Miley Cyrus). We had a bit of a wobble half way up but Jon managed to save both himself and Ygritte..... and I hope he shoves it in her face every chance he gets.
And then they're at the top and it's beautiful! What a lovely shot to end the episode on!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts. Stay amazing!
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