Starting with Maeve, she seems like the only character who knows what she's doing... and I love it. She stops Bernard from re-coding her as she quickly realises that he's also a host and that she can control him. Obviously, this is big news to Bernard because his memory from last episode has been wiped- he's finding out he's a host all over again!
Maeve goes back into Westworld to continue the build of her army. She goes to a recurring host, Hector, and proves that what she's saying is real by knowing exactly what happens in his past and future. He agrees to help and she burns down a tent with them inside so that they can go to the tech place. Frankly, I'm starting to ship these two and I'm so excited to see what they get up to in the finale.
We saw the Man in Black again and he's doing what he always does- surviving and looking for that damn maze. The sexy blonde host kills Teddy (Teddy dying? What's new?) as she says he may be able to help in another life... Her and the others knock MiB out and leave him to in a precarious position- strapped to a horse with a noose around his neck- if the horse bolts, MiB is hung to death. The MiB quickly retrieves the knife in Teddy's chest and narrowly manages to save himself before he's killed.
Charlotte visits in order to get MiB's vote for casting Ford out but... he doesn't seem to care. All he wants is to be uninterrupted as he finds the maze. I hope something really anticlimactic's in the maze so that he can be super disappointed if he finds it.
Bernard figures out that he's a host once again and uses Clementine's ability to hurt humans to force Ford to give him all his memories back- everything about killing both Theresa and Elsie (not that we know for sure Elsie's dead). We discover how he was made in Arnold's image which many people had been theorising before (Bernard Lowe is an anagram of Arnold Weber). Ford, being the monster he is, decides to get rid of Bernard once and for all this time and makes Bernard shoot himself in the head. Or so we think....
When Ford implied that he wanted Bernard to kill himself his actual command was 'put an end to this nightmare once and for all'. Now, yes, this could simply mean for Bernard to shoot himself but what if Bernard takes it differently- as in, destroy Westworld- this 'nightmare' that everyone's been living in. I don't want to assume Bernard's dead so quickly. Plus, he's a host. Westworld hosts 'die' all the time and come back to life.
We had Stubbs enter Westworld himself in this episode on a search for Elsie. He gets caught by hosts that don't respond to his voice commands and... he's been taken, maybe killed? Who knows with this show.
Then we have the rest of the episode focused on William and Dolores.
They've been caught by Logan and he cuts open Dolores to remind William that she's a host and he's crazy for a) falling for her and b) wanting to bring her home. He is engaged...
Dolores manages to escape and William tells Logan what he wants to hear- that he's right. But, William quickly manages to kill everyone other than Logan. It seems like now he'll be using Logan to try and find Dolores once more. Logan also gives him a picture of his sister- William's fiancee back home- and it's exactly the same picture as the one Abernathy found back in episode one! This totally supports the two timeline theory and many people are sure that William is the MiB. I suppose it makes sense but there are a few flaws with it... Dolores would've been discovering her true self 30 years ago and then would somehow have returned to her loop and Maeve wouldn't have been starting her own discovery without Dolores saying 'these violent delights have violent ends.' Hopefully, if this theory does prove to be true- with is highly likely- we'll get a good explanation.
Meanwhile, Dolores goes back to the little church town- the city buried in sand. We see two different timelines here and Dolores finds the tech place where she used to meet with Bernard. We find out that she was the one to kill Arnold in the past. I wasn't expecting that!
She returns to Westworld, calls for William thinking she's in the past (???) and none other than the MiB comes through the doors. Things are about to get super super interesting!!!
Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts- any theories. Stay amazing!
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