Thursday 8 November 2018

Writing Diary #17- Nano-for-the-love-of-gods-just-write

This is a new, personal twist on the Nanowrimo craze, brought by yours truly.
Now I participated and completed Nanowrimo last year and it was a lot of work, a lot of stress and a lot of fun. But because this year I'm not actually working on the first draft of anything and don't want to start anything new. I'm not going to be doing the traditional Nanowrimo but my own, warped version. Just so I can be doing something.
I finished editing my first draft in September, creating a lovely (and I'm very loose on that word), second draft that I've since been reading through and taking notes on. But, other than that, I've been doing absolutely nothing and it's so creatively frustrating! It doesn't help that my timetable is crazy busy this year and will no doubt get even busier which leaves me little time to write but, alas, I can't keep using that as an excuse comfort blanket.
So, I'm going to use November and Nanowrimo to get me back into writing because, dammit, I'm not gonna sit and later regret all the time wasted. And I also thought it'd be good to post my progress on the internet for everyone to see as a bit of extra incentive (because if internet shaming won't do it, nothing can).

Nanowrimo is the challenge to write 50,000 words of a novel in one month but, for my version, my goal is simply to write, edit or rewrite anything every single day of November. I don't really want to set too high a word count target for each day because it'll mean my writing is crappy and rushed which was fine for the first draft but a little different as I'm currently editing and rewriting.
So, that's the plan and I'm really hoping to succeed as best I can.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts. Stay amazing!


  1. Words are better than no words, and having personal goals are admirable! I don't know why I joined NaNo. I write well enough without it. But for some reason I crave more stress? I think I'll follow your pattern in upcoming years ;)

    1. Funnily enough, I thrive on stress! I'm super competitive so it's like being in competition with myself. I'm also addicted to productivity- I love the feeling of getting a good amount of work done in a day.
      I checked out your blog and I love it! I certainly don't follow enough writing blogs :)
