Tuesday 16 October 2018

Book Blogger Memory Challenge TAG

It's been a while since the lovely Shayna over at Clockwork Bibliotheca tagged me and, very ironically, I completely forgot to post this! So, better late than never, here's the book blogger memory challenge!

Name a book written by an author called Michael. 
Michael Morpurgo
This was the first author that came into mind and, honestly, I can't really think of any more for some reason (sorry to all the Michael's out there). I read a few of Michael Morpurgo's books when I was younger- The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips being my favourite. And yet... I don't think I could give a synopsis of it to save my life.

Name a book with a dragon on the cover.
A Game of Thrones- George R. R. Martin
This was the first book I could think of and I think it's pretty fitting for this question too. I may not have read the books yet (*slapped wrist*) but the TV show is epic and definitely has its fair share of dragons.

Name a book about a character called George.
George Weasley from the Harry potter series- J. K. Rowling
Now, I get that the Harry Potter series isn't about George Weasley but it's the only George I could think of. George is actually one of my favourite characters from this series so he deserves it anyway.
There's actually also a book called George by Alex Gino that I own a copy of but haven't actually read yet. One would assume that it's about a character called George but... you never know.

Name a book written by an author with the surname Smith.
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight- Jennifer E. Smith
Jennifer E. Smith has a speciality in writing YA romance novels and, though I can't remember much about this book, I remember thinking it was 'meh'- just like all her other books. It's a cute romance if you're not looking for much depth and character development.

Name a book set in Australia.
I can't even begin to do this question. Sorry. I'm a failure.

Name a book with the name of a month in the title.
November 9- Colleen Hoover
This was an obvious question for me. November 9 is one of my favourite contemporaries and I could just read it over and over again. It makes you laugh, it makes you swoon and it makes you ugly cry so much that it empties you emotionally. Such fun.
November 9 Book Review

Name a book with a knife on the cover.
And I Darken- Kiersten White
I've never read this book, don't even own it, but I can appreciate a beautiful cover when I see one. This cover is stunning and has a lovely knife straight through it.
Edit- Looking closer, it totally looks like a spear now so... I'm a failure. I'll get my eyes tested soon, I promise.  

Name a book with the word 'one' in the title.
The One- Kiera Cass
I wish I could come up with a book more interesting than this one but my mind's gone blank. The One is the third book in the The Selection series- a mediocre dystopian trilogy that was dragged out into a needless five book series.

Name a book with an eponymous title.
Amy and Roger's Epic Detour- Morgan Matson
I didn't want to go for the obvious ones like Harry Potter so this one is a slightly less thought of book. I read this a couple years ago and remember liking it but not loving it. It's your average kind of romantic contemporary.

Name a book turned into a movie.
The Chronicles of Narnia
Again, I didn't want to go for an obvious Harry Potter answer again. Narnia isn't really a recent movie adaptation caught up in the Hunger-Games-Maze-Runner-Mortal-Instruments craze but it's a classic and a ridiculously good adaptation that's often forgotten.

I don't think I did too badly! Thanks again, Shayna, for tagging me xx I tag anyone who wants to participate!

Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts. Stay amazing!


  1. Yay, thanks for doing this! I always love doing these kinds of posts, and reading them as well. Don't worry, I had a tough time with a few of them too! I can't believe I didn't think of Michael Morpurgo for this...

    1. It took me far too long to come up with some of the others XD
