Thursday 27 September 2018

September Book Haul 2018

I did pretty well this month and managed to restrain myself from buying too many of the new releases from this month. There's hope for my bank account yet...

Sharp Objects- Gillian Flynn
Ever since watching the HBO mini-series, I've been itching to read the book and see the differences of the story. This is such a captivating story with so much darkness, mystery and intrigue and I just had to add it to my collection. I consciously chose to pick up the adaptation cover rather than the original which is something I don't usually do but this cover is gorgeous!! The original is pretty plain and boring where the TV version is so creepy and aesthetically pleasing so I just threw aside my principles this one time and bought it. It also works well as I have the movie cover of Gone Girl as well so, I think it'll be a tradition for me to always watch the adaptation versions of Flynn's books first as well as buying the adaptation cover.

Catwoman: Soulstealer- Sarah J. Maas
I feel the need to start off by saying that I'm 100% a Marvel fan and never want myself to be tainted by DC. However, I picked up this book, not for the superhero, but for the author because I have an undying loyalty to Sarah J. Maas. I don't have super high expectations of this book because I think it'll be a little weird reading a SJM book that isn't high fantasy but, I have faith in her.

I've decided to start mentioning the odd fandom bits and bobs I get throughout each month because why not?

Friends Bus Pass Holder
I started back at college this month and my bus pass holder from last year was completely broken so I had to get a new one and quick. Last year, I had a Walking Dead one but this time I decided to stick with good old Friends because there is no better TV show in existence.

Avengers: Infinity War DVD
This was maybe my best buy of the month because... it's Infinity War!! It's my favourite movie of this year so far and I can't wait to watch it again and marvel (no pun intended) at its genius.

Heathers (1988) DVD
And finally, I got the movie of Heathers. I'm a massive fan of the musical and am going to see it at the West End in October. Because of this, I desperately wanted to see the original source material.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment your thoughts. Stay amazing!

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