Sunday 28 February 2016

Gone Girl- Gillian Flynn BOOK TALK

This book was so good!!! This was the best psychological thriller I've ever read- it was genius! This book is about Nick Dunne, who wakes up on his 5th anniversary to find his wife missing. He works with the police to try and find her but after findings of debt and gambling in his name, the police suspect Nick. It's about him trying to clear his name and find out what's really going on with the disappearance of his wife.
I loved this book so much! I found it thrilling, gripping and brilliantly crafted. It was full of twists, turns and surprises that left you screaming at the book in the demand to know what happens next.
I gave this book a four out of five stars.
If you haven't already read this book, definitely go and give it a try.


The first part of the book was a bit slow for me but I feel like the build up was really necessary in setting up the rest of the story.
But once I got to the second part... I was off like a shot.
This story was planned out so perfectly and I admire Flynn for how she created such a beautifully intricate plot. Every clue, every lie, every truth linked together so well and made for a gripping story.
Amy was by far my favourite character. She was a psychotic, intelligent, manipulative genius and I found her fascinating to read about. I like the 'psychotic' characters the best as I'm so interested to see how they tick; what motivates them, how they plan. Their twisted consciences and loose morals intrigue me and draw me in. Amy was a perfect example of this kind of character and I bloody loved it! I also couldn't help but share some of her cynicism and feminist views.
Nick was also an interesting character. I couldn't help but like him and sympathise toward him, despite his obvious flaws. His character's development throughout this novel was huge and I really respected the decisions he made- especially at the end.
I loved Go so much more than I thought I would at the beginning. I think she is an undervalued character in this book and I admired the way she loyally supported Nick throughout.
Despite this book being a 'thriller' novel, I noticed and appreciated many quirky and witty moments within that I found quite humorous. This showcases, I believe, Flynn's ability to layer a multitude of genres together and shows how beautifully she blends them.
This story was stunningly thought out and I loved reading it.

Comment your thoughts; I'd love to know.
Thanks for reading,


  1. I adored Gone Girl too! Absolutely brilliant writing, and the best part, I thought, was that it stayed true to itself and didn't end with the predictable Hollywood ending.
    Great review!

    1. Thanks! I absolutely loved this book- have you seen the movie? It's a pretty faithful adaptation.
